Mentoring Preclinic
Can you still remember your first semester at university? Or are you starting your medical studies at the University of Zurich in autumn?
Especially at the beginning of your studies you are confronted with various challenges: Do I have to book modules? Where exactly do my internships take place? For which topics is it advisable to consult a textbook? Where can I find the best summaries? When should I start studying for the exam and which topics are particularly important to the respective professors?
Our mentoring program tries to support you with the challenges of the first semester and to clarify these or similar questions!
The principle: A student from the higher academic years (mentor) supports one or more first-semester medical students (mentee) during their first semester at the University of Zurich. Mentor and mentee design the nature of their mentoring relationship freely and together.
What can you expect as a mentee?
Support during your first fall semester at the UZH by a student from the higher academic years.
Tips and tricks regarding university and student life, the campus, exams and exam preparation, etc.
No tutoring (!)
What can you expect as a mentor?
Support for one or more mentees during their first semester at UZH.
You answer questions and give tips and tricks about student life, campus, exams and exam preparation, etc.
We expect you to treat your mentees' concerns with the necessary confidentiality.
Can you imagine passing on your experience to the new medical students? Would you like support when you start your new degree? Then register (mentors and mentees) via the following link:login link(Registration deadline up to and including October 2nd, 2022)
If you have any questions or are unclear, you are welcome to refer to the guide or send an email write.